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The Sac Recap!

After a 12 hour drive we made it to Sacramento for the Sac Gamers Expo!

This was our first convention showcasing S3CCG and we had a fantastic time! We met new potential players, conversed with other vendors who hooked us up with some merch and advice, and interacted with other cool small developers. Keep an eye out for a few new members joining the discord, as we continue to expand our S3Family. Special shout out to Sam who let us know that he's going to do his part spreading the word of S3 by sharing the game with kids in his area! With our first convention knocked out, we're excited for our next potential convention (Fingers crossed for Phoenix Fan Fusion!!). Next time around, we'll have our official rounded corner starter decks available and the ability to take card payments on the spot!

Thank you to everyone we met in our Sac Adventure!

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