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Season 0: Welcome to Sanctuary!

Welcome to the floating island of Sanctuary!!

Are you ready to become a Monarch?

What’s a Monarch you ask?

Monarchs are summoners of the ancient heroes of Limsia. Well before the realm was engulfed by the great frost and rebuilt, the land of Limsia was rife with chaos, destruction, and yet… hope. As a Monarch, you’ll gain the ability to summon and command champions from the past using skills, strategies, and spells.

On Sanctuary lives Azara, The Marker of Heroes!

She’s a seer with the ability to identify the ancient heroes that are worthy enough for us Monarchs to summon. What makes a hero? How does she determine who gains the mark and who doesn’t? Beats me… but its not my job to know! It’s my job to get you all trained and ready to Joust!

As a new monarch, we’ll call you… Royal…

Once you’re all trained up, you’ll earn your official title of Monarch.

First thing’s first. Like any good journey, you have 3 choices: Starter Deck Avigail, Esgaris, and Dyon! Each starter deck provides you with everything you’ll need as a young royal on Sanctuary!

There are 55 cards in each starter deck, including your 3 heroic champions, as well as, their Ally cards. You’ll also receive 13 Will cards, 30+ deck building cards, and 4-5 Inventory Deck cards to prepare you for battle.

With starter deck Avigail, you’ll summon the leader of the mercenary faction, Vin Su Don, Avigail: The Swordmaster of Elysia, into battle! Protect her with supporting champions, Forte and Darrio! If you can keep her protected and healed, she’ll reward you with her raw power!

With starter deck Esgaris, Summon the Dreadknight and master the art of striking and spell casting. Using supporting champions Paden and Ayleth, you’ll be able to learn all the rules to jousting! Strike fear into the hearts of your opponents with the bandit slayer Esgaris.

Alternatively, you can choose to hop into battle with Dyon, the Sunburst Jackal! With the famous Hellion hunter, Dyon, combine his mastery with the quick cooldown skills to turn poke damage into bang damage! A true Hunter, understands that catching the biggest fish sometimes requires the help of questionable friends. Thus, Dyon comes with allies Rosallyna and Ahlos!

So there you have it young royal! Not sure what to pick? Why not all 3! To be the ultimate Monarch you’ll need to learn how to mix and match cards to create the best decks possible!

Once you’ve made your decision, meet me at the proving grounds where your lessons are about to begin!



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