Rulebook updates
Updates made to baked effects to balance out the sub-classes | Pg. 8/9
Guardian- changed to once per round from once per turn
Barbarian- changed to once per round from once per turn
Sage- changed to once per round from once per turn
Sorcerer/Sorceress- changed to once per round from once per turn
Cleric- changed to once per round from once per turn
Occultist- changed to once per round from once per turn
Status effects updated to prevent status locks | Pg. 37
Added note "you can only apply one status effect of the same element at a time to a champion. You cannot stack the same status effect to a champion that is already affected."
Card Erratas
Shining Sol Blade
Updated status dropoff from the start of the turn to the end of the turn. See for exact wording
Ban/Limited List updates
New cards added to the deck limitation list
Flight of the Zephrys - 1 Per Deck
Mother's Embrace - 1 Per Deck
Light Heal - 2 Per Deck
Lucky Pluck - 2 Per Deck
