With Starter (or Strater) Decks in hand, are you all ready for the tournament this month?! Because we are and we are challenging you to show up and bring your best S3 deck!!
As always we want to start out by saying a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your continuous support and patience. The fact that this project has been able to come to fruition is every creator’s dream. But, it has definitely had its challenges and we still have so much more to do! Everyone involved in the process thus far has generously donated time and energy to this body of work alongside our various “day jobs". In reality, we are still a small indie business but we all do hope one day to be able to drop the 9-5 and tour the globe to meet and play with all of our supporters and fellow card-game lovers. Until then, we will venture forth as best as we can to continue to bring you our very special product, building connections online and in our respective communities. For the last few months, we have been working diligently on developing a structure that aligns with our game concept and our company vision. We have received, absorbed, and argued over various details about implementing your feedback. Those of you who might be involved in your own small businesses may know that it can take weeks to months to years to adjust or start a new concept, but the process had been worth the reward. Ideally, we want to make a game that’s fun to play and inspires a community to come together. We also want people to trade cards, collaborate on strategies and decks, and experience an exciting new world with compelling characters. We pride ourselves on our game types and modifiers and hope that you all will love learning the game and challenging each other. With that in mind, we are happy to finally share with you our Roadmap to Limsia!
We are finally out of our Kickstarter Phase in which we worked to refine our product the best we could and we have honed in on our direction. We are now moving into our Launch Phase where we are utilizing our website, delivering news and updates, and preparing for incoming inventory. (We are sure you’ve heard time and time again about delays in the supply chains? Unfortunately, we are no exception.)
Below is a breakdown of our ideal 2022 structure, including projected card releases, conventions, and other events.

Q1: Welcome to Limsia Launch | Full Set of Season 0
This quarter kicks off with the first round of shipping, projected to begin on the first Friday of the year, (Jan 7th) and continuing weekly throughout 2022 barring holidays and other unforeseen circumstances, for which we will keep you updated. Starter Decks will be available as a constant option going forward.

Q2: The Journey Begins: Set 1
This quarter marks a new structure for card purchases though the site with the release of Season 1: Set 1. This set will include 3 Champions, 3 Allies, 6 Monthly Collectibles (2/month), and a Battle Pack. Keep an eye out for new individuals popping up at the Market.
Q3: The Journey Begins: Set 2
This quarter marks the release of the next set of 3 Champions, 3 Allies, 6 Monthly Collectibles (2/month), and a Battle Pack.
Q4: The Journey Begins: Set 3 (Final Set for the Season)
This quarter marks the release of the next set of 3 Champions, 3 Allies, 6 Monthly Collectibles (2/month), a Battle Pack, and an Adventure Box.
**Single unit Champions and Allies will be sold indefinitely, but the prices will increase after the introductory month.
**2 Monthly Collectibles (labeled Alpha and Omega) are available for purchase at the start of each month. Beginning in January, their effects and values will be hidden until the 15th of each month at which time, both of the cards will be revealed and the price will increase.
**Modifier Tournaments are projected to be held monthly. Dates and prizes are currently TBD.
**Buy-In Tournaments are projected to be in-person with cash prizes and other merchandise TBD. Locations are currently being scouted.
**The Quarterly Card Set List will come from two different pools (the Season pool and the Quarterly pool) and will contain commons and rare cards. Within each list there will be cards that benefit both the champions and the allies.
We’ve internally mapped out the next 5 seasons of characters, stories, and cards and will continue to keep you updated with our progress and community events.
As for what we are working on now until the end of this crazy year?
Rounded Corner Inventory
Rounded cards have been ordered from the manufacturer and we are anxiously awaiting their arrival! Check out the site to see the current digital models!

Why the switch?
Community feedback - During the Kickstarter the #1 request was for rounded corners. You told us and, through time and rebudgeting, we were able to final make it happen! Thank you for your help!
Cuts on cards - The new cards are a bit more uniformed
Decreased internal work - We no longer have to make our decks by hand! A task that we greatly appreciate farming out to the new manufacturer!
We are keeping our commitment to Eco friendly cards! Our new manufacturer boasts:
Solar powered printing
Better recycling
Cleaner operation
Reduced natural resource consumption
Reduced waste
Accessories Efficiency
CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) General Conformity

Why buy a rounded corner starter deck if you already have squares?
Stay current with the format - Starting January all new cards will be rounded, so, to stay competitive and add new cards to your deck, we recommend switching to the rounded style.
Current Square-cornered Inventory cards - For those who have squared-cornered inventory cards, they will still be usable as they are not part of your shuffling or drawing actions.

December 1st Presale Launch
As of Dec 1st, the inventory will be available for pre-sale purchases and will be listed as followed:
Starter Decks - $26.99
Monthly Collectibles - $15 until reveal on 15th then prices increase to $20
Game Mat - $5
Presale Orders will be entered to win an Official S3 Custom Playmat (valued at $65)
Pre-orders will ship on the first Friday of 2022 - 1/7/22
Free Shipping on orders over $150 Domestically
Free Shipping on orders over $250 Internationally
Q2 and Beyond
Champion Card - (Choice of 3) $10 each for first month and then price increases to $15
Ally Card - (Choice of 3) $10 each for the first month and then price increases to $15
Battle Pack - $6 (8 Common and 1 Rare)
Starter Decks (Continued) - $26.99
Monthly Collectibles - $15 until reveal on 15th then prices increase to $20
Game Mat - $5
Sac Gamer Expo
December 18th & 19th
Sac Attack - Convention Collectible Offensive Skill Card (First come first serve)
From Dec 1st-20th, $10 from every sale will go to a community-chosen charity.
Charity will be voted on and revealed on the 19th, and a donation will be made on Dec 20th.
So what’s next for you!?
Get into that Coliseum! Learn the game and come play with us!
The Coliseum is your access point for Weekly Modifier Updates, Throw Down Thursdays, S3 Gear and XP!
We are training individuals now who have their decks and are gearing up for the Big Bad Backer Tournament on November 20th!
This month’s tournament prize winner will be crowned B3 and receive 2000XP, 10,000 S3Crest, S3 Gear, and a promotional 1TU code for January’s monthly collectibles!
Don’t miss out! And remember to keep tagging us in your gameplay photos and spread the word about this cool new game!
