Rulebook Version Date 10.01.23 has been released!
Let’s take a look at what changed!
Graphic updates
With S3CCG getting a card design upgrade, the rulebook needed to be updated as well. First thing you’ll notice is the new Rulebook cover! We’ve updated all of the card examples in the book to the new modernized look (Page 8 onward) and added a section new Legacy section (Page 28) for all those who learn the game using the new modern look but run into a legacy card.
Terminology Change
Ranks are now Action Links and Combos are now Chains.
This change was made to help new players understand and remember the mechanics with ease. Action Links are used to make chains to deal more damage. Only cards with Action Links are considered part of the chain.
Rule Changes (Page 55)
Charges can now be applied to any card! After testing with the team, we’ve decided to implement a change to allow any card, strategy, ally, etc. to be charged to remain on the field.
New Gametype (Page 58)
1v1 has been split into 2 separate gametypes:
Gladiator - 1v1 with 3 Stock Lives
Sudden Death - 1v1 with 1 Stock Life