In an effort to accommodate those who have shown interest in playing in the S3QT, we’ve decided to change the format.
Instead of conducting the S3QT on a single day, the S3QT will be during the entire month of November!
If you’d like to participate, registration takes place during the month of October. At the end of the month, we will match up participants. Participants will then need to work together to schedule a time for their match. In order to ensure we have enough time, there will be deadlines for when matches will need to be completed. First round deadlines will be determined by sign ups.
S3QT Begins - November 1st
Semifinals Week - November 20th - 26th
Finals Week - November 27th -30th
Once your match as concluded, post the results!
Free to Enter
Registration: S3Coliseum via Discord
Entry Gift: 5000 Crest
10,000 Xp (Towards the new S3Odyssey Leaderboard)
Match Type: 1v1 Joust (Gladiator: 3 Stock)