Sheppard of the Lost
".... ..... .. .... ..."
Mark of the Champion | Cyd
Imagine becoming twisted and tangled, corrupted and lost in your own reflection. Helplessly, you'd watch as your mind slowly cannibalized itself. The memories you held closest to your heart melt in your hand as the very existence of who you were seeps through your fingers. This is the fate that awaits any Exaleiphein who strays too far from the ruin sites for too long. But for many Exaleipheins, solace can be found knowing that on their journey, Cyd, Mute of the Exaleiphein Council, will always guide them home. Although his tongue is incapable of speech, Exaleipheins of the warrior cast, who have become lost in their desperate attempt to locate new ruin sites, have all reported being guided back by his calming ballad: a song echoing along cavern walls and dancing along the breeze.
As an adorned member of the Exaleiphein Council, his guidance and wisdom is often revered by his peers. His inquisitive nature has proved valuable in unlocking many secrets encased in the ruins. Idolized for his intellect and valued in combat for his ability to keep the Mad Beast of the Exiled on its leash, Cyd has always played a critical part in the collective. However, underneath his stoic disposition, lies someone eager to explore the world. With each reported tale from those Exliephians permitted to survey the surface world, Cyd's yearning for exploration swells, cracking the foundation of his creed. However, the weight of his duties always returns to cement his feet to his congregation.